Jean-Claude Van Damme (Known for high kicks and doing mostly naked splits ) as Max Walker: a time traveling cop who travels time to protect time in case sneaky no-good-nicks try to steal it and change the past. They just make a lame joke about said accent to acknowledge it exists. Oh, and for the record, Timecop doesn’t explain his accent. Note: One of my favorite things with JCVD movies is the explanations the writers/director come up with for his very obvious accent, and the fact that-despite said accent-he almost always has a very blandly American and not at all accenty sounding name. Max brings him back for sentencing but not after telling Max that Senator McComb, the man in charge of TEC, sent him. He tracks down a former co-worker who went into the past to make money. Ten years later Max is still grieving but has become a good agent for the TEC. On the day he was chosen, some men attack him and kill his wife. A cop, Max Walker, is assigned to the group. It’s called Time Enforcement Commission or TEC. When the ability to travel through time is perfected, a new type of law enforcement agency is formed. Side Note: The choice of Van Damme may or may not have been influenced by the prominence of the Van Damme Van in Sense8. After an exhaustive (read: one day), highly scientific (it wasn’t, not at all) and (not) statistically significant polling of the Twitterverse population, I chose that chestnut of actiony goodness: Timecop, starring the Muscles from Brussels, Jean-Claude Van Damme. So, I cheated (because I’m lazy, and indecisive) and had Twitter help me out. The hard part was narrowing the wealth of choices on offer to just one actor, and one film. I mean, honestly-it was only a matter of time before I picked one of the many, many, many 80s/90s era SSVD films anyway.

I wanted a classic for my next bad movie review. Instead of being bad-good, their just bad-bad more often than not, and where’s the fun in that? Granted, they’re still making movies (fewer now, and mostly lumped in with Statham, or Diesel, or one of their younger, action flick successors) but these newer films don’t quite have the allure of the 80s/90s era flicks.

I haven’t actually catalogued everything these three guys have made between them, but collectively they’ve starred in dozens of films (sometimes together), the majority of which were released during that magical period between the mid-80s and mid-90s when these three guys could do no wrong. The film industry’s equivalent of the 80s hairband: everyone knows them, most people love them, all but a few are too embarrassed to admit they love their bad-good movies.Īnd there have been many over the years. Big guys with heavy accents (okay, so Stallone had more of a slur) who kick copious amounts of ass and toss out not-quite-funny quips.

(Check our her previous posts on Lake Placid and Flash Gordon, too!) This time she’s taking on that spiffing example of the 80s/90s action movie flick: Timecop. Rockwell returns in her next monthly installment of her Bad Movie Recap & Review. Science? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Science! J.B.